The Walled Garden
This north facing walled garden is the site of a ‘turf war’ where owners Sarah and Alasdair compete for space to grow flowers, fruit and vegetables.
Sarah says: We’re keen, but not expert, gardeners who have learned by trial and error. It’s not a huge garden – in total it’s a about sixty feet long and divided into a patio and a lawned section. It’s walled on all sides and at the back of the garden there’s a high brick wall, which means we’re not overlooked but the wall does mean the back of the garden is very shady. All our plants grow up for light but that has meant we have a very enclosed and private space.
We garden in fits and starts as we’re both busy with work. Luckily our packed style of planting means the weeds are hidden but we do end up spending a lot of time pruning!
Our favourite plants are the roses but we also love our hydrangeas which originally came in pots from New Covent Garden and were used to decorate our wedding venue.
We love that it’s such a productive garden, we grow herbs, raspberries, potatoes, garlic, chillies and tomatoes and we have a pear tree, an apple tree and a very high yielding fig tree.
We’re also lucky to have a roof terrace where we grow pots of tumbling toms and also have a veg trug for growing seedlings.
The garden is the perfect size for us, just large enough to manage with occasional periods of benign neglect!